Maximum impact through disruptive technologies and tailor-made ecosystems.

You are the Innovator.
We are the Catalysts.

For successful entry into the market and long-term sustainability, you need the perfect ecosystem of partners and tools to support, launch, and scale your product.

But if your creation is disruptive, the right ecosystem most likely does not exist. It has to be tailor-made.

Catalysts for Innovation (C4i) is a solutions-neutral navigator and integrator that designs, builds, integrates, and manages those perfect ecosystems, aligning the right set of people, processes, and technology specifically needed for your long-term success. We help you realize your full potential by seeking solutions that can combine with your innovation to create outcomes greater than you even envisioned, including connecting you to tools that typically play out on a larger scale. We design, build, and manage your custom ecosystem, from start to finish, and because we are expert integrators, we can plug in at any point, no matter what your needs may be. We want to help you find the right processes and technologies to build on what you already have, and can integrate any solutions, no matter which tools you are using.

We value organizations and technologies that augment and support the improved human experience. We appreciate the power of regional ecosystems, where ideas are proven out, refined, and perfected, and can help local communities thrive. We believe in supporting life-saving and game-changing technologies, and want to see them reach global scale that is sustainable.